Ask Mom

Hey, we’ve learned about this cool thing called Artificial Intelligence, or AI for short, we call it MOM. It’s like having a super smart Google. You can chat with, MOM, to help you find a charity that supports causes you care about. Whether you love animals, want to help people get food, or care about the planet, You can ask MOM to look up information and find charities that match what you want to help with. It’s like having a loving Mom help you find your motivators and core values.

Ask Mom about your core values and what motivates you.

Ask Mom to list things you care a lot about, like animals or the environment.
Tell Mom to name some good values, like kindness or helping others, so you can pick your favorites.
Ask Mom to show you how to find groups that help with what you love,
Have Mom explain what those groups do, so you know how they help.
Ask MOM to check if a group is really doing good things and being honest.
Ask MOM to give you ideas on how you can help, like giving time or a little money.
Let MOM tell you how to talk to others who like the same groups, maybe on websites
Ask MOM to help you think of questions you can ask about these groups to learn more about them.
Request that Mom shows you how to talk to your family or friends about these groups and why they're great.
Ask MOM for ways to get involved without spending money, like sharing their stories or volunteering.
Finally, have Mom remind you to feel proud because even small help can make a big difference.
Ask MOM what specific charities are in your “town”, that fit your requirements.

Ask Mom

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